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Can I Drink Red Bull Before A Soccer Game?

Can I Drink Red Bull Before A Soccer Game?

Red Bull is one of the most popular energy drinks in the market—in case you are just hearing the name for the first time. The use of this energy drink during sporting activities is not prohibited in all soccer variations.

However, certain factors such as the age of the athlete, and the timing of the ingestion should be properly considered. While taking Red Bull can have some positive impact on the soccer player, taking it at the wrong time can be counterproductive.

Soccer players are not barred from taking Red Bull and this energy drink can be ingested before, during, and after a soccer game. There are numerous testimonials that claim the drink is effective.

However, it should never be used for rehydration. Water remains a better option in this regard. The use of energy drinks that are high in caffeine by sportspeople has become increasingly popular over the years even though they don’t mix well with sports.

A 2012 study into the use of caffeinated drinks in sports shows that three-quarters of athletes drink different brands of caffeinated drinks before engaging in sporting activities.

Standard sports drinks that provide electrolytes and energy are still preferable to energy drinks. Red Bull might improve performance in an endurance sport like soccer, but it can also cause dehydration if you don’t drink enough water.

This article will be taking a holistic look at the use of a specific energy drink called Red Bull by soccer players. We will be talking about the effect of the drink on soccer players in general regardless of the variation they play.

Are there positive or negative consequences for using this drink before a game? Keep reading to find out for yourself.

Can I drink Red Bull before a soccer game?

Soccer players can drink Red Bull before a soccer game. However, they must know when to drink it, how to drink it and where to drink it. As long as you don’t have an allergy to energy drinks, The Laws of the Game will not stop you from taking them.

Caffeine which is a prevalent substance in energy drinks was a banned substance in soccer from 1984 to 2004 because it was believed that it superficially enhanced the overall performance of soccer players when ingested. With subsequent studies on caffeine, that ban was lifted.

Some professional soccer players use Red Bull before matches to provide them with the energy boost for optimal performance, from running faster to jumping higher and improving mental alertness.

soccer players in a game

But, is drinking Red Bull as a soccer player good for your health? How much Red Bull can you take before starting a soccer match?

Drinking Red Bull before a soccer game can offer you a big boost but knowing the right amount to drink and when to take it is very important.

What are the benefits of taking Red Bull before a soccer game?

Taking Red Bull an hour before a game is the recommended advice, although you can also take it 45 minutes before the start of a match. This is done to give the body enough time to absorb the nutrients before the start of the match so that they can be fully utilized.

Soccer involves lots of running and Red Bull is one of the numerous products on the market claimed to be capable of improving an athlete’s running performance. Since soccer players are always looking for ways to outrun their opponents, this marketing strategy has worked overtime.

Aside from helping athletes run faster, Red Bull also contains taurine which is capable of elevating concentration, supporting nerve growth, and lowering blood pressure for people with heart problems.

reb bull can

In a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18 experienced runners ranging from ages 18 to 31 were selected because they could complete 5 km in 30 minutes and can also run a total of 20 miles per week. They were divided into two groups.

One group was given Red Bull while the other group was not. After the run, their vitals such as their body temperature, perceived exertion, and heart rate was recorded.

The group that consumed Red Bull always seemed to outperform the other group throughout the experiment. Also, 78% of participants who drank Red Bull performed above their personal best.

What are the side effects of taking Red Bull before a soccer game?

Because the claims of Red Bull being an effective booster in soccer seems true doesn’t mean you should abuse it. Abuse of this drink can cause health challenges that can either be mild or severe.

Doctors usually warn that known cases of cardiotoxicity can be triggered by abusing energy drinks. Abuse of energy drinks doesn’t always occur naturally, the caffeine content in energy drinks can be addictive.

addict energy drinks

This addiction is most prevalent among young soccer players ranging from ages 18 to 25 years old because they are the largest consumers of these products. They usually use it to stay alert, fight fatigue, and improve their performance on the pitch.

Another hazardous practice that young soccer players engage in is that they sometimes mix Red Bull with other energy drinks and even a bit of alcohol. This can lead to severe dehydration during the game if they don’t take in fluids regularly.

Aside from making addiction and dehydration, such practices can cause psychological and physical problems including;

  • Kidney failure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Migraine
  • Seizures
  • Stress
  • Substance abuse
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Death

As a soccer player, taking a can of Red Bull an hour before a match can provide you with all the boost you desire from an energy drink. However, gulping more than one can cause you discomfort which can limit your performance on the pitch.

Is Red Bull good before a soccer game?

Consuming Red Bull before a soccer game is good if taken in the right quantity and at the right time. Despite the potential benefits of energy drinks, most physicians strongly advise athletes against taking them, especially kids and teenagers.

The American Academy of Pediatrics openly discourages the use of energy drinks, especially among young athletes and other young people in general.

Drinking Red Bull mainly for hydration before a soccer match is wrong because you are only consuming large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants which will not provide the cells of the body with hydration like taking water.

red bull and ice cube pile

Oftentimes, it is difficult to tell the right amount of caffeine contained in an energy drink merely by looking at its label. This is why you must take energy drinks in moderation to avoid any possible adverse effects.

Energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster, and the rest are not inherently bad to take before a soccer match because soccer demands a lot of energy and endurance which can be provided by the caffeine and other supplements in them.

From research, we found that the caffeine present in Red Bull starts being absorbed into the bloodstream after 10 minutes of ingestion. This causes an increased blood pressure level and heart rate.

After 15 – 45 minutes, the soccer player may start feeling hyperactive and concentrated, depending on how fast he or she gulped down the drink. A can of Red Bull contains 27 g of sugar, 110 calories, and 80 mg of caffeine.

This can guarantee you an increased energy level for about 45 minutes to an hour. This can give you a slight edge over your opponents.

So, does that mean you should gulp another can at halftime? Certainly not because there will not be enough time for your body to absorb the nutrients. Also, the sugar content may irritate your stomach leading to cramps.


According to the trade group, the American Beverages Association, under no circumstance whatsoever must energy drinks be sold to minors under the age of 12. This is carried somewhere on the labels of most energy drinks.

Young soccer players above the age of 18 can be allowed to drink a can of Red Bull an hour before a match because it can slightly boost their performance by enhancing their focus and endurance.

Although energy drinks like Red Bull and the rest have positive benefits, it doesn’t mean they are necessary. If you can’t play soccer efficiently without taking them, there is something wrong.

If you find yourself getting hooked on energy drinks, consult a physician immediately. Also, on no account should Red Bull substitute regular training and a clean bottle of water.