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How To Balance A Soccer Ball On Your Neck? The Full Guide

How To Balance A Soccer Ball On Your Neck? The Full Guide

The game of soccer is more than just dribbling or passing on the field. There are numerous skills and techniques a player should effortlessly possess. It’s important to improve your ability and ball control and the right soccer skill could do that for you.

Although not all soccer tricks are effective on the field, during the game. However, most players learn these skills to show off. Also, it is a fun way of learning how to control the ball. Soccer is filled with skills and tricks and some of these unexpected tactics, correctly used in the field, could throw a defense off their game.

Balancing a ball on your neck is one of the numerous soccer skills a player could learn. No, you won’t need it during the game, but we can’t deny that it is fun and it’s also a skillful way to practice ball control.

If you love to learn different skills, you would love to learn how to juggle and properly balance a ball on your neck.

Now, you may wonder, ‘how can I learn to do this?’

Well, let’s get into it! 

LEARN THE NECK STALL in 3 easy steps

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How To Balance A Soccer Ball on Your Neck?

As scary and difficult as it might seem, balancing a soccer ball on your neck is much easier than you think. You could be a pro at it if you carefully learn and diligently follow a few basic steps.

However, to properly learn how to balance a soccer ball on your neck, you would need patience and lots of practice. It’s not an easy skill to hone and you certainly can’t do it on a go. You have to focus intently on the soccer ball and carry out different experiments before you get it right.

For this soccer trick, you have to successfully flick a ball from the ground, up to the air, just above your head, and place it on your neck. We would agree that it’s much easier to use our hands for this, but where is the fun in that?

Still, you must learn how to properly balance the ball on your neck by using your hands before you move on to practicing using your feet.

Yes, it does seem like a difficult juggling skill to master, but if you carefully follow the guidelines we’ve put out for you, you would be able to properly balance a soccer ball on your neck, in little to no time!

A neck stall isn’t the easiest trick in the book to learn. You would have to exercise patience and go through a lot of practice before it becomes easy and natural for you.

To be a pro at balancing a soccer ball on your neck, ensure you follow the tips down below.

the player is balancing the soccer ball on his neck

Use your hands to balance the soccer ball

Before learning this soccer trick, you would need to have an idea of what the ball feels like when it’s on your neck.

How to do this;

  • Lean forward with the upper part of your body to a 90- degree angle.
  • With your knees apart, slightly bend your knees.
  • With your hands, gently place the soccer ball on the back of your neck. 
  • Pull your elbows back to make a little cradle for the ball. 
  • Once that is done, lightly toss the ball above your head and try to catch it again with the back of your neck.
  • Continue to practice until the ball lands on your neck rather than bouncing off.

Get your body in the right position

A proper stance is key for balancing a soccer ball on your neck. You need to properly position your body to get the most out of the skill.

How to do this; 

  • To stop the ball from rolling off your back, bend forward and try to keep your back as flat as you can. 
  • Slightly bend your knees.
  • Create a little cradle on your back for the ball to sit on by pulling your elbows back to prevent the ball from rolling forward over your shoulder 
  • For the final step, try to raise your head and look forward.
How To Do a Neck Stall

Keep the ball in place

Balance is key for this skill. Once you have successfully placed the ball on your neck, you must stay put and exercise patience. Try not to make any sort of sudden movements.

The ball could fall from your back if you loosen your elbows and try to stand up. So you mustn’t move until you’ve been able to balance the soccer ball on your neck.

Neck balance

This process would help you properly learn how to balance the soccer ball on your neck.

How to do this;

  • Start by getting yourself in the right body position. 
  • Bend your knees and lean forward to straighten your back. 
  • Once you are ready, place the ball on your neck or get a coach or a friend to help you with it.
  • Try to carefully balance the ball on your neck for 20-30 seconds before moving to the next step. Note that, if the ball rolls backward, then you need to make sure your back is flat. If it does to your side, then you need to curve your upper back inward. Then if it rolls over your shoulder, try lifting your head higher, but just a bit so the soccer ball doesn’t roll off.
  • Once you have been able to balance the ball on your neck, throw the ball using your neck, up in the sky, a little bit above your head, and try to catch it again with your neck.
  • Instead of letting the ball hit your neck, try to move it down from the back of your head into your neck. 
  • Practice this until you can continuously throw the ball and catch it with your neck. 
  • Now that you can catch the ball with your neck. balance the soccer ball on your foot then kick it up just over your head and catch it using your neck.
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Get the ball off the ground with your foot 

After balancing a ball on your neck, it’s time to juggle with your feet. That’s why it’s important you learn the basic juggling and dribbling skills before attempting to balance a soccer ball on your neck.

With the ability to juggle a soccer ball with your feet, with a quick flick, you could throw the ball in the air and catch it with your neck.

To get more comfortable, juggle the ball for a while on the ground before dealing it up to the air to get the ball over your head unto your neck.

NEW SKILL TUTORIAL | how to learn this awesome skill


To balance a soccer ball on your neck is no easy task. It’s not something that would take a few minutes to learn, but with more practice, you would be better suited to balance a ball on your neck.

You must note that this skill requires patience, effort, and a lot and lots of practice. It would be easier for you to learn and master other soccer skills like dribbling and juggling before you take on the new taste of balancing a soccer ball on your neck.