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How To Develop Your Left Foot in Soccer?

How To Develop Your Left Foot in Soccer?

In soccer, players could either be right-footed or left-footed. However, most soccer players use their dominant foot (right) when dribbling, touching the ball, performing skills, shooting, or even passing.

The concept of weak foot in soccer has to do with soccer players playing with a single foot rather than their other foot, and in this case, the right foot.

Though some soccer players can make use of both feet perfectly (ambidextrous), others are only capable of using their right foot. However, every soccer player can develop using their left foot.

With the fast nature of soccer, and the change of pace, the ball would not always be played to the position of the dominant foot, and sometimes it would move to the non-dominant foot (left).

Problems will occur in a soccer team if the soccer player cannot act appropriately with his left foot when he is needed to perform.

As a soccer player, the use of both feet ensures ball control. Proficiency in the left foot also increases shooting and passing accuracy. In addition, dribbling with both feet provides an easier break-away from opponents than a player who only makes use of his right foot.

Using the left foot with the right foot also improves a soccer player’s confidence.

In soccer, the need to develop the left foot is essential since players who only make use of their right foot are easily predictable.

Developing the left foot in addition to the right foot ensures that you can see more of the field and be able to react after reading the game. In addition, using the left foot similar to Eden Hazard improves the player’s versatility and adds to their skill set.

Cristiano Ronaldo is an excellent example of a player that has developed his left foot. Though his dominant foot is his right one, he scores with his left foot more often than not, which is termed the weaker foot.

Cristiano Ronaldo is capable of dribbling with any feet, a reason he is particularly feared when he is close to the goal. Cristiano Ronaldo is known to have often used his left foot to score goals. One reason for this is because goalkeepers and even defenders often overlook the use of the left foot. As a result, the left foot is often ignored, emphasizing the right side, giving an opportunity to score goals.

With these, it can be seen that developing, improving, and training the use of the left foot is essential to every soccer player.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR WEAK FOOT | Easy steps and training drills

How to develop your left foot in soccer?

For soccer players to be consistent in soccer, the left foot cannot be disregarded. Like Harry Kane, Eden Hazard, and Cristiano Ronaldo, you can become an unpredictable soccer player if you properly develop or improve your left foot.

Defenders and even goalkeepers are able to predict and counter players that only make use of their right foot; however, using both feet ensures that you become dexterous and unpredictable.

Most coaches now ensure that their players are able to make use of their left foot in games. It might not necessarily be a mastery of the left foot, but at least a proficiency with the left foot is welcomed by every coach.

A majority of soccer players are right-footed, making their left foot the weaker ones. Even some professional soccer players are unable to make use of their left foot (weaker foot).

Starting to develop and improve the mastery of your left foot is essential. Using the left foot for shooting to score goals, controlling the ball, bringing the ball under control, or even for passing to teammates can sometimes make a difference in a soccer game.

How can you improve or develop your left foot? Below you will be shown various methods and drills that you can use to develop your left foot.

4 EASY STEPS to Improve Your WEAK FOOT

1. Mentality Change 

As a soccer player, what is essential about developing your weaker foot is the fact that it is a complex process. Since the process is challenging to change your natural tendency, some soccer players do not want to go through the process.

It would be best if you have the mentality of improvement and development before you begin to train. It is pretty similar to how a right-handed person begins to learn how to make use of his left hand to write. At first, you might be clumsy, and the results might be bad.

Though you might experience failure, you have to carry on. The process would definitely be complex, slow, and a long one, but the result is that you would then be able to make use of your left foot in the pitch more than most players.

Practice is what makes a soccer player stand out from the others, and to improve your left foot, you would need a lot of practice.

2. Dribbling with your left Foot 

One way to improve the use of your left foot is to dribble with your left foot. Most soccer players are easily able to perform various dribbling skills with their left foot. Practicing using your left foot increases your control with the ball and with your foot.

You could start with kicking the ball with your left foot for beginners or amateurs. Make it simple by just kicking the ball around to get used to it before starting out with various dribbling drills.

Below are some dribbling drills that would help you improve your left foot and your ball mastery skills;

Dribbling with left Foot

The Walk and Dribble Drill 

The walk and dribble drill can be used to improve the nature of your left foot. You can do this by first placing your left foot before the ball, then gently kicking it forward using the upside of your left foot. Ensure that the ball is not kicked far.

Continue to kick the ball forward while moving around gently. It would be best if you performed at least 100 times per practice.

You could also try dribbling around in a circle or in a straight line while controlling the ball. When the above becomes easy, you can switch up your practice by running while dribbling with your left foot.

The Slalom Cone dribble

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The slalom cone dribble is relatively easy to perform with the left foot. Six cones should be placed in line with a single yard distance from each other.

Start dribbling with your left foot through the cones from one end of the cone and then return to your starting point.

The intensity can be increased by speeding up your pace and also by reducing the distance between each cone. It increases your ball touches and makes them precise.

Soccer Slalom Drills to Improve Dribbling Fast - SoccerDrillsDaily

Inside and Outside foot Dribble 

This is done by gently kicking the ball with the inside of your left foot, then you tap forward and kick the ball with the outside of your left foot.

The order should be repeated as much as you can.

Inside-Outside - Soccer Dribbling Fundamentals

The Zig Zag Cone Drill 

You should set the cones in a zigzag form for this drill and dribble around the cones with your left foot.

After a while, make use of your right foot, then switch back to your left foot. This should be done about three to four times each time and in four to five rounds.

Zig Zag Dribble + FREE Session Plan

3. Practice using your Left Foot in Training Matches 

Another way to develop your left foot is to simulate real game situations. For example, coaches would not allow soccer players to practice improving their left foot in competitive games, but they would allow such training.

Practice using your Left Foot in Training Matches

This is the time to improve your left foot, as training is usually similar to real game situations where you can make use of your left foot. Try as much as possible to make use of your left foot and be capable of switching between both feet instantaneously.

Your teammates or friends would be there to put pressure on you to ensure that you use your left foot in practice. Don’t wait for opportunities; instead, use your left foot throughout the entire training period.

Choose positions that would ensure that you play with your left foot. For example, you could try to play on the left part of the pitch while choosing roles such as left-wingers or left-back defenders. Such positions would force you to make use of your left foot.

4. Rebounds or Wall Passing 

Receiving or passing the ball with your left foot is another way to develop your left foot. When you can receive and pass the ball with both your feet, various options will become open to you.

Rebounds with rebounders or walls are very helpful in training your left foot since it allows you to have more contact with the ball. In addition, kicking the ball against the wall results in a continuous process.

Below are some wall drills that you can perform to increase your left foot usage.

Individual Football/Soccer Training Drills You Can Do With A Wall Or Rebounder!

Inside Left, One Touch

This drill is performed by standing close to a rebounder or a wall, and then you pass the ball to the wall or rebounder on the inside of your left foot. When the ball returns to you, you need to immediately pass the ball back to the wall again with the inside of your left foot.

The process should be repeated for 100 kicks every drill. Ensure that you do not pause during the entire process. You would have to start over again in case of any disruptions.

Inside Left, Two Touch

Similar to the above, you stand close to the rebounder or wall, then pass the ball with the inside of your left foot. When the ball returns to you, you need to use the inside of your left foot to stop the ball, then pass it again to the wall or rebounder with the inside of your left foot.

The process should be repeated for 100 kicks every drill. Ensure that you do not pause during the entire process. You would have to start over again in case of any disruptions.

Wall Volleys with the Left Foot 

Wall volley with the left foot is usually difficult to practice since excellent timing and hand-foot coordination are needed.

The wall is used as your partner for this drill. Stand five yards away from the wall to begin this exercise. First, the ball should be played to hit the wall, and when it comes back, you have to make use of the inside of your left foot to send the ball back to the wall.

You can accelerate the intensity of this drill when you increase your speed of volley. Repetition is key to improving using this drill.

Wall Soccer Goal

Left Lace 

The spot where the lace is tied on your cleat is the lace area. This drill is performed by using the left lace to send the ball to the wall.

When you receive the ball, return the ball back to the wall using the same left lace area. Repeat this process as long as you can. Ensure that you do not pause since you would have to start over again in case of any disruptions.

You can increase your accuracy of hitting with your left foot if you mark an area on the wall, then try to hit the marked area with your left foot.

You can also try chipping or lobbing the ball to the wall and receiving it with your left foot and lobbing it back again.

Setting a rhythm would also help in timing your kicks accurately.

Trapping the Ball 

Another way to develop your left foot in soccer is to trap the ball with your left foot continuously. You can do this by throwing the ball into the air, then bringing the ball under control using your left foot toes.

The exercise aims to ensure that the ball is adequately received with your left foot in one move while ensuring that the ball doesn’t deviate far from your body.

After mastering this move, you can change your pace by using a rebounder as a wall. Also, try to increase the speed of the ball you intend to trap.

With the fast-paced nature of soccer, it is indispensable that you can quickly make decisions with both feet and are agile. Working regularly on your left foot would increase your confidence in using both feet in games.

Your pitch flexibility, agility, dexterity, and unpredictability would be increased since you would not be playing with a single part of your body.

Improved trapping with your left would also increase your ball control.

5. Shooting with your left foot

Another way to increase your left foot proficiency in soccer is to practice shooting with your left foot. Other than heading, scoring goals in soccer are majorly done through shooting the ball. When you develop your ability to shoot the ball with your left foot, you become unpredictable since you can make use of both feet.

Man shoot the ball with left foot

Though it is pretty challenging to develop shooting with your left foot, mastery of left foot shooting can make a difference in a soccer game.

Copious time should be spent on practicing shooting with your left foot. Doing this ensures that you develop left foot muscle memory since it would become second nature to you.

After practicing shooting with your left foot, you can add accuracy and power to your shots. In addition, using your left foot lace area adds strength to your shots.

Below are some of the methods to develop your left foot in soccer through shooting.

Lace Kick (Instep)

Most kicks in soccer are variations of the instep kick. The instep is usually used for free kicks, shots at goal, and penalty kicks.

You can perform this kick by first setting a target, maybe with a cone. Then after taking a step backward, place your right foot forward, then bring your left kicking foot with the toe locked to the ground.

After this, the ball should be hit with the lace of your soccer cleat. This process should be repeated as necessary. After you get the hang of it, you can then try increasing your kicking ability for accuracy and power.

You can also try using the outside of your left foot to shoot the ball.

Shooting at the goal

Another method of developing your left foot in soccer is to practice your shooting skill on a goal post. Then, get a teammate that is capable of stopping your ball and keep shooting.

As you keep shooting, you would make improvements, including your accuracy and your power.

This would prepare you for real-life games.

Shooting with the Inside and Outside of your left foot 

Another way to develop your left foot is to make use of your left foot to take inside and outside shots. Make use of your left outside foot to shoot the ball to practice curving the ball with your left foot.

Then also, practice shooting the ball with the inside of your foot for near-goal shots. The ball should be kicked with the middle of your left foot. Though practicing this method does not increase shot power; however, shots taken close to the goal with this method would be more accurate.

6. Training your Left Foot 

To develop your left foot, you have to first train it for use. Since it has not yet been developed, your left foot would lack explosiveness, flexibility, and also strength.

A good example of training the leg foot would be by performing single-leg squats. Regular squats activate the major muscle groups in your leg, such as the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. However, single-leg squats help in training a single leg to take on the body’s full weight.

Single leg squats improve the power of the leg. This, in turn, ensures that you can easily perform other drills with your left leg.

You can go to a fitness coach or a gym and seek answers from trainers on how you can train your left foot for use.

Soccer player training lefft foot

7. Juggling with your Left Foot 

Juggling with your left foot is another way to develop your left foot in soccer. Juggling is a fundamental soccer drill that is widely used by every soccer player, elite and amateur.

Juggling helps in ball control (ground and air), first touch, warm-ups, coordination, and balance.

Below are some Juggling drills that you can perform to develop your left foot.

The Keepy Uppy

The keepy-uppy can be performed by first throwing the ball up and letting the ball drop down to your left foot. Ensure that the ball doesn’t touch the ground before you kick the ball back up with the lace of your left foot.

You can let the ball touch the ground in another variation, then kick it again with your left foot.

The ball should not go farther than your waist, as anything higher might be harder to control. You continue this drill till the ball drops to the ground and repeat for as long as you can. You can build up on your practice by adding power.

How To Keep The Ball Up | Football Soccer Skills Tutorial

The keepy-uppy has some variation; below are some of them;

Kick then bounce the ball and kick again

In this variation of the keepy-uppy, the ball should first be kicked, then let bounce on the ground, then kicked with your left foot again. This process should be repeated for as long as you desire, then check the number of kicks you can get in a row.

Ensure that the ball does not get higher than your waist. This is so you can measure the amount of power that should be used to ensure the ball does not go farther up in the sky.

A guide to playing keepy uppy
Dropping the ball, kicking it, and then catching it

The ball should first be dropped from your hands to your left foot in this variation. Please make use of the lace of your left foot to kick the ball before it touches the ground, then try to catch the ball.

Ensure that the ball does not go beyond your waist. Next, you can catch the ball after it has been kicked up and then proceed to other variations shown above.

Learn Easy juggling tips soccer - FOOTBALL keepy uppies for beginners

Juggling with both Feet

Though quite tricky since a lot of coordination and balance is needed, you have to make use of both feet, left and right, to juggle the ball upwards.

This drill is started by first dropping the ball from your hand to your right foot then kicking it up while letting it fall to your left foot. Now alternate between both feet. However, emphasis should be placed on the left foot.

Repeat for as long as you can while checking the number of times in a row that you juggle the ball and work on increasing the number. Remember that the focus is on training the left foot.

Soccer/Football Juggling Tutorial - The Basics for Kids & Beginners

8. Watch Elite Players Play 

Another critical way to develop your left foot in soccer is watching how other soccer players use it in real-life situations. Watch videos of some of the best left-footed players using their left foot to perform skills. Try to analyze how they do it and learn from it.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a prime example, as stated in the introduction. About 20% of his goals are scored with his left foot. As a good example, you can watch how he dribbles with his left foot, scores passes, moves, and even shots.

Cristiano Ronaldo is known to make use of his dominant right foot, but he is also capable of using his left foot when presented with the opportunity.

9. Practice and Consistency

With all everything stated above, you can apply, develop or improve your left foot ability if you continuously practice and are consistent.

Continuous practice builds muscle memory, increasing your chances of scoring more goals, being flexible, agile, and unpredictable to your opponents.


Through an arduous process, improving your left foot in soccer can be achieved with enough practice.

Following the methods shown above can help you develop your left foot’s accuracy, power, and confidence.

With the fast-paced nature of soccer, mastery of the use of the left foot would ensure that you stand out from the average soccer player.