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How To Get Quicker Feet For Soccer? 5 Methods

How To Get Quicker Feet For Soccer? 5 Methods

Speed is an important requirement in soccer for the players to get the job done better. Although this is a tough skill, every soccer player needs to master it to keep the defense from getting comfortable on the field.

Most of the best teams in the world today have players with incredible foot speed. It doesn’t mean that they are blazing fast, it’s just that they can move at a quicker rate with the intent to throw off the defense.

In today’s game, speed has become an obsession because as athletes get better, games become faster and quicker. And you are at a disadvantage if you are slow on your feet because the players with quicker feet are the most crucial players to the team.

If you have ever wanted to become a crucial team player with quick feet like Cristiano Ronaldo, then you have come to the right spot. Here, you will learn all you need to know on how to get quicker feet for soccer.

33 Magic Speed Moments by Cristiano Ronaldo

Let’s dive in!

How To Get Quicker Feet For Soccer?

Soccer, as you may know, is a game that requires speed. No matter what, fast runs and movements will always play a part in this sport. And you’d expect a soccer player to live, breathe and sleep speedily.

The easiest way to increase your speed on the field is to work on your strength; quicker feet are just one of the rewards of training. Now you may ask, how is this possible?

This doesn’t happen by lifting weights, rather it happens when you spend more time doing specific soccer drills to improve your stamina and endurance. Although some players are naturally fast, others can build and follow a strict exercise routine involving sprint, acceleration, and strength training to help them get faster.

The soccer player is sprinting with the ball

Whether you are a born sprinter or just someone looking to improve their speed while on the soccer field, you need to perform some drills to enhance your overall game. Some important key points to take note of during practice is to run on your toes and not your heel.

You don’t just move your feet fast, you also have to drive your knees up while using a proper arm technique. Now, to focus on the topic at hand. Here are some procedures you can follow to achieve quicker feet for soccer. 

Method 1: Draft out a training routine

Setting up a routine is no simple task, still, it’s one of the best things you can do for your mind and body. Physical activity can help improve your speed which would yield a better and healthier soccer journey.

Moreover, it’s important to know what type of training you want to get into and we advise that you meet with a professional trainer to help draft out a proper plan for you. However, whatever your goals are, it’s important to write them down, so you have a clearer idea of what you are trying to accomplish.

How To Make A Soccer Training Schedule

In the long run, these goals would, in turn, shape how you build your routine. Here are some ways you could set up your training routine:

Analyze your fitness level 

As an individual, you probably have an idea of how fit you are. You are more aware of your strengths and weaknesses and you know what areas you need to improve on. It’s important to keep track of your fitness score because it helps you to better monitor your progress.

Draw out your fitness plan 

Now that you know how fit or unfit you are, you’ll need a proper plan to get started. It’s easy to think you would be able to exercise every day, but in all honesty, that’s impossible.

You’ll have to consider your fitness goal and act accordingly to gauge your process and stay motivated. Also, you have to make it clear and precise about including exercise activities in your daily routine.

My COMPLETE Weekly Gym Routine during Season

Gather your equipment

You’ll probably start with a durable agility ladder, however, whatever equipment you choose to start with, make sure it’s enjoyable and easy to use. Also, you must try out certain gears before investing in your own.

You might also want to consider certain fitness apps to help you track your distance and heart rate.

Get started 

Now that you have all of your plans properly written out, it’s time for action. Don’t forget to give yourself plenty of time to warm up. Be creative with your routine and always give attention to your body, if you don’t feel good, you can take a break to give your body a day or two to rest.

Track your progress

You must assess yourself after the first few months of your program to know if you are improving in your speed or if you need to put in more effort to accomplish your goal.

Soccer Training Sessions | How to create a Full Football Training Session Plan by yourself


  • You would have a precise idea of what exercise drills to do.
  • Builds stronger bones and other connective tissues.
  • It helps with more anaerobic endurance. 
  • Allows you to exercise on your time.


  • You might find it difficult to create a perfect routine.
  • It could cause cardiovascular strain.

Method 2: Build speed

As stated earlier, in soccer, to be the fastest one on the field, you must build speed. Now it’s important to know that while playing the game, there are 3 components of speed to note down.

  • Pure speed: this has to do with short timing and the ability to cover the distance between two points.
  • Technical speed: this has to do with maneuvering the ball quickly to execute dribbling, passing, and receiving with swift accuracy.
  • Reaction or Mental speed: this has to do with timely decision-making. It’s the ability to read the game to process the tactical moves your teammates or opponents are trying to make.

To be successful, you will need to bring your A-game to the field. To achieve this, simply follow the steps I’ve carefully highlighted for you.


Perform sprint drills 

Drills are the easiest ways to increase your speed.

  • Set up three cones 10 – 15 yards apart.
  • With resistance loaded at your waist and both thighs, run at full speed to cone 3.
  • Make sure your arm is close to your body and relaxed during the exercise.
  • Backpedal to cone 2 while keeping your core straight.
  • Concentrate on making smooth strides and keep your head in a natural relaxed position.
  • Slowly jog back to the starting point when you are done.
  • Repeat this drill 2-5 times.

A soccer player is running in the training session

Train with a speed ladder

This would help increase speed, balance, and coordination. These ladders are available at any sporting store. To get the most of this exercise, train with a stopwatch and work on improving your best time.

A soccer player is Training with a speed ladder

Use interval training

To get faster, you will have to get used to speed with interceding activities. To be better at this, you should practice 30 – 40 minutes of interval training. Combine light jogging with more powerful exercises like;

  • Running up and down stairs or hills.
  • Sprints.
  • Ladder drills, e.t.c 


  • It would help you counterattack head-on. 
  • You would be able to dodge past opponents. 
  • Gives an advantage when executing fast rerouting movements. 
  • You are faster which means you would beat your opponents to the ball. 


  • The training equipment can be quite expensive 
  • Time-consuming 
  • Repetitive training can reduce your motivation
Full Speed Training Session | Training Drills To Improve Speed & Acceleration For Football

Method 3: Increase your agility 

To dodge other players and make tackles, you will need agility. Speed and agility are what make a successful soccer player. Here are some tips to follow to increase agility: 

Practice zig-zag sprints 

On the field, you will have to be able to swerve opposing opponents and you can’t do that running on a straight line. So, to increase your multi-directional running skills, you have to practice zig-zag sprints.

How do you do this? Set up 7 – 12 cones and place them 3 feet apart from each other in a zig-zag pattern. Then sprint through the cones as fast as you can, while staying as close as you can to the obstacle.

As you run, focus more on side steeping the cones. To make the exercise more challenging, lessen the distance between the cones or dribble a soccer ball while running.

Zig Zag Sprints for Soccer Players

Use soccer balls to practice 

While you are on the field, you will need to know how to properly control the ball. So while training, it’s important to know how to monopolize the ball, as this would help with your agility.

It’s best that during practice you dribble using all parts of your foot. You could practice speed dribbling by kicking the ball forward and running after it while changing directions.

Or you could practice doing a lateral ball drop exercise by having a coach or teammate hold the ball at shoulder height away from you and when it drops, you could try to reach and control the ball before it bounces the second time.

A player is using soccer balls to practice


  • It prepares you for the game. 
  • Improve athletic performance. 
  • Eventually increases speed.
  • Enhances balance and boosts recovery time. 


  • The repetitive training program might cause a lack of motivation.
  • It could result in early fatigue.  

Method 4: Improve your moves

It’s vital to take a few weeks before the start of the league to hone your passing, dribbling, and kicking skills. The moves you practice make you feel more confident when you are on the soccer field. Below are some ways you could improve your soccer moves:


Although you wouldn’t have to juggle the ball during games, it’s best to do this to have greater control and better ball-handling skills. Since you can’t use your arms or hands during the game, you would need to better coordinate other parts of your body to juggle, pass and move the ball.

The young player is Juggling

To practice this, you will start with one foot, then kick the ball just a few inches into the air. When you’ve gotten a more comfortable rhythm, you can swap feet with every few kicks until you are finally able to kick the ball higher and add your head to the juggling mix.

This is a skill you can practice anywhere to help you get better at handling and controlling the ball.


Dribbling is all about moving with the ball across the field without losing it to your opponents. You are to avoid defenders getting the ball at all costs because a successful dribble would create easier opportunities for you or your teammates to score.

To practice this, you could set up cones or flags with a few feet between them, then try to move the ball around them while keeping it close to your body. It could take a while but keep practicing till you don’t lose control of the ball.

The player is practicing dribbling


Soccer is a passing game and this is a very common technique that involves the intentional act of passing the ball to other members of the team. Generally, there are a variety of different passes, from;

  • Short passes, which are aimed at the nearest teammate
  • Long passes, which happens with the intent to pass the ball to a teammate at the other end of the pitch
  • Through passes
  • Forward passes
  • Sideways passes
  • Backward passes

However, standardly, passing involves outward turning of your hip, followed by leg lifting to the side, before finally passing to the ball using the inside of your feet. It’s important to point your foot at the target before passing.

To practice this, place a cone or object roughly 8 – 10 yards away from you, then from a distance shoot the ball straight on the ground. Some soccer players refer to this as the perfect pass, so it’s an important move to learn when mastering the game.


Discover your specialty skill 

Having a special move adds value to the player. If you enjoy a particular aspect of soccer and focus on it, you could turn that into your signature move.

Some of the best soccer players have made a remarkable habit of scoring with their special moves. For example, take a look at Cristiano Ronaldo’s knuckleball moves or Lionel Messi nutmeg, which can never go unnoticed.

There would be an opportunity for you to use your special move and if you’ve perfected it, it would help build your confidence and enhance your self-esteem on the field.


  • You would add value to your team.
  • It would improve your chances of scoring in a game.


  • It could take a while before you find the move that works for you.
LEGENDARY Moments By Ronaldinho

Method 5: Think quickly 

Soccer utilizes all of your senses; your mental, physical and technical skills all have to come to an agreement when you are out on the field. You need focus and the right strategy to succeed.

To prevent the offensive player from making runs past you, your technical or tactical implementation needs to be fast. You will have to pass the ball as quickly as you received it, and this is easier when you quickly anticipate and process the information.

Some ways you can achieve this include:

  • Tracking the movement of the ball at all times.
  • Anticipate your teammates’ movements.
  • Perform attacking drills with other players.
  • Always listen to your coach.
How to Think Faster on the Field - Speed of Play - Online Soccer Academy


  • It would help to quickly analyze and implement defensive strategies.


  • You could make a wrong move because of how fast your mind has to work.


In soccer, it’s important to be quick on your feet as it involves you running up and down. You would need to rely on short explosive movement and acceleration to beat defenders.

You should focus on building speed, agility, and endurance. The most important thing to have though is patience. In this time and age where everyone is looking for a shortcut or quick fix, it’s important to remember that you are not working with machines.

Your body is going to need a while to adjust to all of the training and it might take a while before you start seeing results. So, don’t lose hope, rather persevere and practice these routines and watch yourself become the fastest on the soccer field.